What’s wrong with my husband?

Who is this person I don’t recognize?

Did you think you had the “perfect” marriage?

Has your husband said, “I love you but I’m not in love with you?”

Have you been married 15 years or more?

Do you feel like you are walking on eggshells?

Do you feel like your husband is
this different person you no longer recognize?

Are you worried he is going to move out (or already has?)

Is he suddenly secretive about his phone?

Are you worried he is having an affair?

Do you feel like your marriage is falling apart?

Is your husband having a midlife crisis?

You may be afraid, but I know you can handle this.

Do you feel like you’ve lost your best friend?

And can’t talk to anyone?

Are you confused? Anxious? Scared?

Are you afraid to tell anyone about it?

Because you don’t really know what’s going on?

Welcome dear friend.

It’s not your fault. I know it sucks to be here.

I never thought in a million years that I would have been where you are now either wondering what the heck happened with my marriage of 25 years. My husband! An affair with my best friend of 10 years!

Turns out he was having a major midlife crisis. But life gets better, I promise you it does. Even though you don't feel like it right now, even though you think there's no chance in hell that he will ever come back, chances are good he will.

I knew my husband was messed up. I could see it. He was not him. He was someone else. I really thought he had a brain tumor, he changed so suddenly. He was so different from the man I married.

While this midlife crisis is not really about the marriage, it does become separate journeys for both of you. It's a long trip with hills, mountains and tons of obstacles. Eventually you come out, battered and beaten but whole again and it's so worth it! I'm a much better person now. It’s a process, it takes a while and I can help you get through this!

Hi, I’m Amy

When this happened to me, I was so shocked, devastated and confused. And I mean SHOCKED!!! The foundation of my life crumbled. How did this happen? We had the "perfect marriage!" We really did or I thought we did. We never fought. I really thought we were happy until bomb drop - where they tell you, "I love you, but I'm not in love with you anymore."

I thought it was because of me. I thought I had done something majorly wrong -until I discovered that it was not me. It was a major midlife crisis and it's not what you think. It's not about sports cars and affairs, that is just a symptom and so not what midlife crisis is about. They aren’t bad guys. But that’s what the media portrays. They are going through something horrible and unfortunately you can’t help them. I wanted to help him so bad. But they don’t want or need our help. They have to figure it out on their own. And that’s the hardest part.

This is when I started digging in and doing research and gathering resources.

I've learned so much in the last few years and become a better person for it. Now, I educate and coach women just like you on managing your negative thoughts and emotions and help you get through your husband’s midlife crisis without losing your sanity. I help you take back control of your life and your happiness.

You feel so abandoned. You feel like no one understands. Your friends don’t get it. Your family doesn’t get it. Everyone says, “You should divorce his a$$.” Everyone just wants you to forget him and move on. But you know this isn’t him. This isn’t the guy you married. And then there is the shame. The shame that you failed. The shame of people finding out. The neighbors who smuggly say, “This will never happen to us. We love each other.” Well I get it!!! I would have said that too a few years ago. I never thought it would happen to us either and yes we loved each other. We still love each other.

So trust me, I’ve been there. It sucks. It’s the worst thing that ever happened to me. But you don’t have to be angry, sad and alone. There is another way. My proven method will help you navigate your husband's midlife crisis, manage your anxiety, and stand strong for your marriage. I’m here to support you. I can help you find your confidence again and create your best life-whether your husband comes home or not. 💕

Ways I can help you:

  1. Help you identify if your husband is in midlife crisis and how not to make it worse.

  2. Teach you my proven method to manage your crazy, ruminating thoughts and behaviors so you don’t go insane.

  3. Teach you how to set goals with your life, still stand for your marriage and move forward to create your best life with or without him.

I take you from a heaping crying puddle on the floor to a confident woman who knows what she wants and where she is going in her life.

This journey demands courage and resilience.

While everyone must make this journey for themselves, I’m here to share my resources, and teach you the special method that helped me crawl out of my dark hole, stay sane and move on with my life.

Each resource was a piece to my puzzle for creating my best life.

So let’s start working on your puzzle and path
together and create a new way forward.

“I’m just so incredibly inspired by your work, because it’s so needed. I get chills every time I read something you write because I know it’s coming from experience and heart. You are doing your work in the world ma’am. ❤️” ”

Jennifer C.

“ I love working with Amy. She's grounded and calm and very empathetic. At a time when I was struggling to dig myself out of an emotional mess, she was able to guide me to a better place. ”

Jennifer G.

“OMFG you’re so amazing!!!!!!’ Damn you are crushing! No you’re the best coach ever! Thank you! ”


You won’t be alone. I can help.

Stand, Survive, Thrive the Crisis!

Let me show you what made a huge difference for me!

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No one signs up for this journey.

It's like a bad roller coaster ride you can't get off of - at first. Eventually you realize, you actually do have control - you can observe all of the craziness and yet not be part of it. Be the lighthouse, stand strong and weather the storm.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I'm currently working on my new book which is a guide on how to survive your husband's midlife crisis, should be out in February 2025.

  • Click the "Work with Me!" button at the top of the website. You'll have some different options from there.

  • Schedule a free 30 min complimentary call with me. I can help you!