Feeling alone? There is hope.

I felt so alone in the beginning. I researched everything online and finally figured out my husband was having a major midlife crisis. The midlife crisis is not what you think it is. Not even close. No one ever prepares you for this. We know about kids leaving the nest, we know about aging parents but this? The end of your marriage as you know it??? No one ever told me about this. Turns out midlife crisis is a real thing. And my husband was a Boy Scout, someone you never thought in a million years would have one - the most devoted husband and father. Who is this new guy? Definitely not the man I married. He was not my husband. And it’s not all about buying new cars and affairs, that’s just a symptom, not the cause. It goes deep. No one gets it. But you know he’s in there. You know he’s struggling. You know this isn’t him. You know down deep in your heart that he still loves you and something majorly is wrong. You know it’s not really about your marriage. Your family doesn’t get it, your friends definitely don’t get it - unless their husband has been through one. But this is not talked about. Often times it’s swept under the rug, the husband comes home and it is never mentioned again. Or the wife gets pissed off, doesn’t realize that mlc is a thing and just can’t take it anymore, files for divorce and moves on. Or the husband decides divorce is the answer, then later comes through it and regrets it all but it’s too late. As a “Left Behind Spouse,” (yes there is a term for it) it’s a lonely road until you find the right support. Support is everything. There is another way other than divorce, come join our free private support group where you can learn to be a confident Standing Spouse and create your best life. It’s private, I share more of my story and the resources and tools that I have learned on my journey. Yes, this is a journey for you whether you wanted to be on it or not. But if you let it, you will be rewarded with many silver linings along the way.


Midlife Crisis:The Pressure to Provide and the Inability to Feel


I know you never planned on being here…