Amy Lawrence Amy Lawrence

What is Standing?

You love your kids unconditionally. If they screw up, get into drugs, become an alcoholic, do you abandon them? No. Even if they kill someone, you don’t abandon them. You may not agree or like what they are doing, but you love them unconditionally. You may set boundaries with them but you will always love them. So why don’t you love your husband the same way?

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Amy Lawrence Amy Lawrence

Midlife Crisis:The Pressure to Provide and the Inability to Feel

"But he doesn’t know what to do because he doesn’t understand that his feelings of dissatisfaction aren’t about you, they’re about his inability to feel. So too often, he assumes that he doesn’t love his wife any longer and starts to pursue his need for love elsewhere.” He’s looking for a solution to make him feel better.

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Amy Lawrence Amy Lawrence

Feeling alone? There is hope.

The midlife crisis is not what you think it is. Not even close. No one ever prepares you for this. We know about kids leaving the nest, we know about aging parents but this? The end of your marriage as you know it??? No one ever told me about this. Turns out midlife crisis is a real thing.

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Bomb Drop Amy Lawrence Bomb Drop Amy Lawrence

I know you never planned on being here…

I had no idea he thought it was our marriage until he said, “I love you, but I’m not in love with you.” Bomb drop. Yep there is a name for it in the midlife crisis world. That mighty little phrase that blew up everything as I knew it.

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